Easter: What Did It Really Mean?

Friday, April 29, 2011
Well I'm aware this is late but my busy schedule has not permitted me any time to rest to air my views on the commercialism of Easter. Having already criticized Christmas i find it only fitting to systematically desensitize the rubbish that people believe Easter to be when it really is not. Why is it that for every single Christian celebration there is a Pagan celebration on the very same day that just seems far too uncanny to me, in all honesty.

Easter is the focal point of the Christian faith. It is significant for four main reasons:
1. The Easter event fulfils hundreds of prophecies in the Old Testament of the Bible and predictions that Jesus makes in his teaching. Easter is something God planned from the beginning.
2. At Easter, Jesus modelled what it meant to live (and die) in perfect obedience and faith in God. He suffered horrendously yet did not sin.
3. Jesus, in his death on the cross, pays for the death penalty of others who trust in him. This is because he was pure and perfect and is the only one who did not deserve to die himself.
4. Because Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Sunday this proves his divinity and his power to save for eternity those who commit to him. This event in history has great enduring significance.

That what we now call “Easter” is about the celebration of the passion, death and
resurrection of Christ, also called the paschal mystery. These events which Easter celebrates are recorded in scripture, so the question as to whether Easter is Biblical or not does not even come in at all.

However the Pagan version of the events cites that:

Easter is a universal festival. The ancient Babylonians, Egyptians, Norsemen and Scandinavians worshipped the Egg. Norsemen exchanged coloured eggs, at the time of the vernal equinox, in commemoration of goddess Ostara. Hindus believe that the Mundane Egg, in which Brahma gestated, broke its shell in spring. Thus, the symbol of the egg is a universal symbol. The word Easter closely resembles names of different Pagan goddesses—Ishtar, Ostara, and the Greek Astarte. Goddess Ostara of the Northland was worshipped as a beautiful Queen of the Spring-time, and from Ostara, our word Easter comes. The story goes that when Ostara first came to earth, at the very beginning of the world, she noticed how dark and cold everything seemed. She knew that life in everything was sleeping for a while, till it was time to wake again. Then she realized that she was sent on earth to wake things up. Easter celebrates the awakening of life from its winter sleep.
The ancients celebrated 21st March, the day of the Vernal Equinox, as the birthday of the world. In the fourth century, Easter was fixed as the first Sunday—following the first full-moon day—after the vernal equinox. During the spring festival the ancients celebrated the renewal of nature, as the Christians celebrate on Easter Sunday the resurrection of Christ—the rising of the Christ from the dead. After crucifixion, the body of Christ was taken down from the cross, wrapped in a linen sheet and placed in a tomb dug out of solid rock and a stone was rolled against the entrance. This was on a Friday, now called "Good Friday." Three days later, on Sunday, people saw that the door of the tomb had burst open and the body was missing. The story goes that subsequently Jesus appeared before his disciples.
The Bible says, "Jesus rose from the dead." Theosophy teaches that he rose in his finer body or Mayavi rupa. Resurrection conveys that everything does not end with the death of the physical body and that there is no such thing as death for the Soul—IT always is.
To appreciate the inner significance of Easter, we must understand the symbology of the egg, the crucifixion, the resurrection and the Christ.
Man has never been without a friend, i.e., the Elder Brothers or adepts who help mankind. Jesus was an adept. Like Jesus, Krishna and Buddha too died on the cross. The Cross represents the "Tree of Life." "Tree" is a symbol of sacred and secret knowledge. "Tree" also stands for various Initiates. Realizing the unity of all, these adepts and Initiates identify themselves with humanity and hence are able to take upon themselves part of the karma of suffering humanity. Taken literally, the whole of the life of Jesus, up to his crucifixion, shows this great sacrifice which the spiritual beings make, in order to help humanity.
He who strives to resurrect the Spirit crucified in him by his own terrestrial passions, and buried deep in the "sepulchre" of his sinful flesh; he who has the strength to roll back the stone of matterfrom the door of his own inner sanctuary, he has the risen Christ in him. The "Son of Man" is no child of the bond-woman—flesh, but verily of the free-woman—Spirit, the child of man's own deeds and the fruit of his own spiritual labour. 

For this reason i will no longer partake in the sharing off Easter Eggs as it is of Pagan origin and against all my religious beliefs meaning that it refers to Idolatry which as said in the Old Testament goes against the Ten Commandments.

As for this topic this leads me to Lady Gags's release of her newest single Judas.... released 4 days before Easter her unreleased video is racist and intolerant of Catholicism. as Gaga is said to appear as Mary Magdalene it is was also released to coincide with the 4 day period before Easter in which Judas Iscariot the former disciple of Judas betrayed him as cited in the Bible. 
For this reason I have decided to cut all links with Lady Gag's music and delete her from my Itunes etc. 
Do not Judge me based on my decisions but as it contradicts my religion it was my choice and at my own discretion i decided to do these things finding them righteous in my own mind.

Which leads me to my main point never forget the reason behind these holidays it seemed the United Kingdom was more preoccupied with the Royal Wedding than the fact of celebrating that Jesus died for our sins. do not be caressed into purchasing unnecessary decorations, candy and sale items for the mere fact of Easter because at the end of the day if you're not Christian there is no point in saying Happy Easter its more relevant to say Happy Resurrection Day and Good Friday should be a day of solemnity spent in prayer and solitude according to religious rites. Do not knock me for my traditional thoughts i may not be the most religious person you know but i truly believe that the 21st century's whole atheistic approach to traditional morals and values is completely out of order.

“If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins” –
1 Cor 15:17
“then know this, you and all the people of Israel: It is by the name of Jesus Christ
of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man
stands before you healed.” – Acts 4:10

I had hoped to write a valid blog on the meaning and significance of Easter and elaborate on its spiritual and inspirational aspects this is another important segment of the Christian faith and practice, but I was
wrong. The atheists are at it again, coming with their half truths, misleading
historical assessments and outright falsities aimed at ridiculing and denying the
truth of the Christian faith. “En hadat tahat beshemesh”, said the author of
Ecclesiastes- there is nothing new under the sun. What is has been, and will be
again. I know. Every year, when it is Easter time like this they will try to
ridicule and mislead. So as to stay focused, let me address the issue from its
correct perspective. Sadly. In attacking Christian faith and
worship, they fail to question whether the reality designated by the name exists in
the Bible or not, and keep looking for only its current name, so if they don’t find
the name, they claim it is unbiblical. That’s what they do to deny a doctrine like
the holy trinity, among others. On Christmas and Easter, they only need to find
parallels in paganism, and once they find the parallel, they jump into false
conclusion, implying causation from correlation, that since there is a pagan
parallel, the Christian practice must have been stolen from the
pagan one. The fact that the pagans had similar festivities to the Christians made it easier
for them to embrace that of the Christians, with renewed meaning though. But
anti-christian and anti-catholicists keep twisting this for their own
intents and purposes. What they cleverly and impiously leave out is that all those
Christian practices they allege to be of pagan origin were already being practiced or
believed by the church long before this and these
beliefs can all be traced to the earliest church of the apostles and
sub-apostolic times.

In jest what I'm trying to say is be true to your religion Easter should not be overlooked by cheap-shopaholics trying to get clothes cheaper or a time to buy chocolate for your kids; it's a time of refection to be taken seriously because really Would you let your own child die for the rest of the world filled with Ungrateful: Liars, Cheaters, Murderers? And THAT is the GLORY OF IT ALL! WHAT MAKES THE CRUCIFIXION SO BEAUTIFUL!


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